Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lowongan Kerja PT Jamsostek

PT Jamsostek (Persero), suatu Badan Usaha Milik Negara, yang bergerak di bidang Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga profesional untuk mengisi posisi pada daerah penempatan Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Kepulauan Maluku dan Papua. Posisi yang diperlukan adalah:
Account Officer (AO): S1 Semua Jurusan
Verifikator JPK (VJpk): S1 Farmasi, Kedokteran Umum, Kedokteran Gigi, Kesehatan Masyarakat, dan Keperawatan
Verifikator Jaminan: (VJa): S1 Semua Jurusan
Customer Service Officer: (CSO) D3 Semua Jurusan
Staf SDM (SDM): D3 Semua Jurusan
Persyaratan Pelamar
Warga Negara Republik Indonesia
Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan yang sudah mempunyai kekuatan hokum yang tetap, karena melakukan tindakan pidana kejahatan atau tindak pidana kejahatan yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan jabatan, yang dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik (SKKBK) dari pihak yang berwenang.
Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat sebagai karyawan suatu instansi baik pemerintah maupun swasta.
Mempunyai pendidikan, kecakapan, atau keahlian sesuai dengan yang diperlukan oleh Perusahaan.
Tidak ada ikatan dengan suatu instansi lain baik Pemerintah, Swasta maupun lembaga Pendidikan.
Belum menikah dan bersedia untuk tidak menikah pada masa 1 tahun kerja.
Sehat jasmani dan rohani
Bersedia ditempatkan di unit kerja PT.Jamsostek (Persero) di Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, dan Papua.
Batasan Usia:
Bagi pelamar yang mendaftar pada posisi yang mensyaratkan jenjang pendidikan minimal D3, batas usia maksimal 26 tahun
Bagi pelamar yang mendaftar pada posisi yang mensyaratkan jenjang pendidikan minimal S1, batas usia maksimal 30 tahun
Batasan usia maksimal dihitung sampai dengan tanggal 01 Jan 2010.
Berasal dari Perguruan Tinggi terakreditasi dengan IPK minimal 2.75 (skala 4)
Pelaksanaan Seleksi

Bagi pelamar yang telah memenuhi persyaratan seperti yang dimaksud di atas akan dilakukan seleksi, yang terdiri dari:
Tes Kemampuan Umum
Tes Bahasa Inggris
Tes Kesehatan
Diklat Persiapan Kerja (DPK)

Dalam pelaksanaan tes LGD, Interview psikologis, Medical Check Up dan Interview User, peserta diberikan keleluasaan untuk memilih salah satu diantara 5 lokasi tes sebagai berikut:
Proses seleksi secara online dibuka pada tanggal 21 November 2009 sampai dengan tanggal 30 November 2009
Panitia tidak menerima berkas lamaran fisik di Kantor Jamsostek. Hanya pelamar yang mengikuti seleksi secara online yang akan diproses lebih lanjut.
Selama proses seleksi panitia tidak melayani informasi secara langsung atau melalui telepon

Lowongan Kerja BANK MEGA

PT Bank Mega Tbk. salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia, dalam rangka mengembangkan cabang di Jawa Tengah dan DIY mengundang tenaga profesional untuk posisi:
Account Officer - AO (Commercial/SME/Consumer)
Funding Officer - FO
Card Business Officer - CBO
Management Information System - MIS
Manager SME/Funding
Pendidikan minimal S1 (1,4,5,6,7), minimal D3 (2,3)
Pengalaman sebagai marketing di perbankan/lembaga keuangan setara/sesuai bidang masing-masing minimal 1 tahun (1,2,3,4,5,6)
Pengalaman di bidang Commecial Credit/SME/Consumer Credit minimal 1 tahun (1)
Pengalaman di bidang SME/Funding minimal 3 tahun (7)
Berorientasi pada target dan memiliki jaringan (network) yang luas di wilayah setempat (1,2,3,7)
Komunikatif dan dapat bekerja dalam tim (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi yang dipersyaratkan diatas, kirimkan lamaran, cv lengkap, foto dan cantumkan kode posisi dan nama kota yang dipilih pada sudut kiri atas amplop, paling lambat diterima tanggal 5 Desember 2009, ke alamat:
PT Bank Mega Tbk.
Gedung Grinatha Lt. 2, Jln. Pemuda No 142 Semarang
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses.

Lowongan Kerja Bank BRI

PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk membuka kesempatan kepada para calon/pelamar untuk posisi:
Associate Account Officer (AAO) Kanwil BRI Jakarta 2
Pendidikan minimal S1 dari semua fakultas/jurusan terakreditasi.
Berasal dari PTN/PTS berkualifikasi baik
IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4)
Berpenampilan menarik dan memiliki network luas.
Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman kerja bidang Account Officer Bank atau Marketing pada perusahaan pembiayaan minimal 1 (satu) tahun.
Belum berulang tahun ke 31 tanggal 28 November 2009 dengan pengalaman kerja di bidang Account Officer Bank atau Marketing perusahaan pembiayaan.
Belum berulang tahun ke 26 tanggal 28 November 2009 tanpa pengalaman kerja di bidang Account Officer Bank atau Marketing perusahaan pembiayaan.
Bersedia ditempatkan di wilayah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Karawang, Cikampek, dan Cikarang.
Memiliki SIM A dan/atau SIM C
Hanya peserta yang memenuhi kualifikasi terbaik yang akan dipanggil.
Tahapan Pelaksanaan Rekrutmen
Tahap 1: Pendaftaran Online: 21 - 28 November 2009, Pengumuman Seleksi Administrasi: 4 Desember 2009
Tahap 2: Registrasi: 7 – 8 Desember 2009
Tahap 3: Tes Kecerdasan [jadwal ditentukan kemudian]
Tahap 4: Wawancara Awal [jadwal ditentukan kemudian]
Tahap 5: Tes Kepribadian & Sikap Kerja [jadwal ditentukan kemudian]
Tahap 6: Wawancara Akhir [jadwal ditentukan kemudian]
Tahap 7: Tes Kesehatan [jadwal ditentukan kemudian]
Berkas Persyaratan

Pelamar yang lulus seleksi administrasi akan diundang untuk melakukan Registrasi pada tanggal 7 - 8 Desember 2009. Persyaratan Administrasi yang WAJIB dibawa saat Tes adalah:
CV yang dicetak dari situs e-recruitment. Cetak dengan melakukan login menggunakan username dan kata kunci Anda dan pilih menu Cetak Curriculum Vitae.
Fotokopi Ijazah yang sudah dilegalisir.
Transkrip Nilai yang sudah dilegalisir.
Fotokopi KTP dan KTP Asli untuk ditunjukkan pada saat verifikasi data.
Fotokopi SIM A dan/atau SIM C.
Pas foto terbaru ukuran 4x6 sebanyak tiga(3) lembar.
Semua berkas diserahkan di dalam map berwarna kuning.
Dalam proses seleksi ini akan diberlakukan sistem gugur, artinya calon/pelamar yang tidak lolos pada tahap tertentu tidak diikutsertakan dalam tahap tes berikutnya.
Pada setiap tahap seleksi, hanya calon/pelamar dengan kualifikasi terbaik (shortlist candidates) yang akan diikutsertakan dalam proses seleksi tahap selanjutnya.
Keputusan hasil seleksi pada setiap tahap tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lowongan Kerja PT. Bank Mandiri Tbk

Dalam rangka menyiapkan kader-kader pemimpin PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk dimasa depan dan memberi kesempatan kepada para lulusan baru (fresh graduate) yang berprestas, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk mengundang alumnus-alumnus perguruan tinggi terpilih untuk mengikuti seleksi sebagai kandidat officer melalui jalur Officer Development Program (ODP)

Syarat-syarat sebagai berikut :

A. Officer Development Program (ODP)
Lulusan S1/S2 dari semua jurusan kecuali Bidang/Dept. Ilmu Kesehatan/Keperawatan, Sastra, Seni, Keguruan dan Keagamaan
IPK lulusan S1 min 3.00, IPK lulusan S2 min. 3.20
Usia maksimal pada saat seleksi awal 26 tahun untuk S1 dan 28 tahun untuk S2
Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer minimal program Ms. Office
Belum Menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama pendidikan
Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia
B. Frontliners (FL)
Pendidikan min S1
Universitas terakreditasi
Indeks Prestasi min 2.75
Usian max. 24 tahun
Berpenampilan menarik
Belum menikah
Pengalaman kerja tidak diutamakan

Masukan resume anda melalui apply online di

Lowongan Kerja PT. Panin Bank

PT. Panin Bank, Tbk salah satu bank ke 8 terbesar di Indonesia membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi yang mempunyai integritas tinggi, ulet, dan kompeten untuk bergabung dalam team kami dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
Teller (Kode: TLR)

Tanggung Jawab
Memberikan pelayanan yang berkesan ramah, mudah dan akurat kepada para nasabah, melaksanakan proses transaksi teller, menerima setoran untuk rekening simpanan nasabah

Wanita, belum menikah, usia maks 24 tahun
Pendidikan min S1 dengan IPK min 2.75
Fresh graduate atau memiliki pengalaman min 1 tahun di lembaga keuangan
Berpenampilan menarik, berbadan sehat, tinggi badan min.160 cm, tidak berkawat gigi
Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal, brkomunikasi yang baik, kreatif, aktif dan dinamis
Memiliki keterampilan komputer min. Ms Office
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah
Account Officer (Kode: AO) & Personal Banker (Kode: PB)

Tanggung Jawab
AO: Memasarkan produk – produk commercial banking, membuat proposal kredit dan menjaga kualitas kredit
PB: Memasarkan produk-produk fundig Panin Bank: Giro, tabungan, & deposito, dsb

Pendidikan min S1 dengan IPK min 2.75
Pengalaman kerja di bidang perbankan/jasa keuangan minimal 2 tahun, diutamakan yang berpengalaman di bidang Commercial Banking bagi AO & berpengalaman di bidang Funding bagi PB
Memiliki customer base yang luas dan sanggup bekerja dengan target
Mampu melakukan analisa kredit (bagi AO)
Berpenampilan menarik, komunikatif, dan memiliki kemampuan negosiasi yang baik
Bisa sedikit bahasa mandarin (pasif/aktif)
Memiliki keterampilan komputer min. Ms Office
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah

Kirimkan berkas lamaran Anda dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di sudut atas amplop lamaran. Sertakan surat lamaran, CV, foto kopi ijazah, foto kopi transkip nilai, foto kopi KTP & pas foto berwarna terbaru uk. 4×6 ke:
PT. Bank Panin, Tbk KCU Surabaya Cendana
Jl. Kombes Pol M. Duryat no. 25 Surabaya
Up. Putri
Berkas lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 23 November 2009.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lowongan Pekerjaan BIO FARMA

Bio Farma adalah sebuah Badan Usaha Milik Negara di Indonesia, yang memproduksi Vaksin dan Sera untuk mendukung program Imunisasi di Indonesia maupun di negara-negara lainnya. Bio Farma telah masuk ke dalam daftar prakualifikasi Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO). Kami membutuhkan orang-orang profesional terbaik dan cerdas yang mau berbagi pengetahuan, keterampilan dan energi untuk kemajuan perusahaan dan bangsa.

Staf Bagian Pengembangan SDM [K-NS01]
IPK min: 2.75
Gender: Laki-laki/Perempuan
Usia Max/Status: 30 Th/(Belum Menikah)
Pendidikan: S1/S2 Psikologi

Staf Muda Seksi Gudang Bahan Kemasan [K-NS02]
IPK min: 2.75
Gender: Laki-laki/Perempuan
Usia Max/Status: 30 Th/(Belum Menikah)
Pendidikan: D3/S1 Analis Kimia, Farmasi, Farmasi & Apoteker, Ilmu Kimia, Kimia, Kimia & Apoteker, Teknik Kimia

Staf Muda Seksi Akuntansi Persediaan [K-NS03]
IPK min: 3
Gender: Laki-laki
Score TOEFL min: 350
Usia Max/Status: 24 Th/(Belum/Sudah Menikah)
Kemampuan Managerial: Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Kemampuan Teknis: Memahami beberapa metode pencatatan & penilaiaan persediaan di Perusahaan Manufaktur
Kemampuan Lain: Mampu berbahasa Inggris, Mampu mengoperasikan program Ms.Office
Pendidikan: D3/S1 Akuntansi

Staf Muda Seksi Akuntansi Biaya [K-NS04]
IPK min: 3
Gender: Laki-laki
Score TOEFL min.: 350
Usia Max/Status: 24 Th/(Belum/Sudah Menikah)
Kemampuan Managerial: Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Kemampuan Teknis: Mampu membuat perhitungan HPP Perusahaan Manufaktur
Kemampuan Lain: Mampu berbahasa inggris, mampu mengoperasikan program Ms.Office
Pendidikan: D3/S1 Akuntansi

Staf Divisi Hewan Laboratorium [K-SC01]
IPK min: 2.75
Gender: Laki-laki
Usia Max/Status: 30 Th/(Belum/Sudah Menikah)
Pengalaman: Bekerja di bidang Teknik mesin/listrik
Kemampuan Managerial: Teknik mesin/listrik
Kemampuan Teknis: Teknik mesin/listrik
Kemampuan lain: Bisa berbahasa Inggris & Jepang
Catatan: Farm Technician/Chicken Breeding
Pendidikan: S1/D3 Teknik Energi Listrik, Teknik Listrik, Teknik Mesin

Staf Divisi Hewan Laboratorium [K-SC02]
IPK min: 2.75
Gender: Laki-laki
Usia Max/Status: 28 Th/(Belum Menikah)
Pengalaman: Pernah bekerja di peternakan ayam (tidak mutlak)
Kemampuan Managerial: Pengelolaan telur ayam
Kemampuan Teknis: Pengetahuan tentang pengelolaan telur ayam
Kemampuan lain: Bisa berbahasa Inggris dan Jepang (mutlak)
Catatan: Hatcheryman/Chicken Breeding
Pendidikan: S1/D3 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Jepang, Biokimia, Biologi, Biologi & Apoteker, Farmasi, Farmasi & Apoteker, Ilmu Peternakan, Kedokteran Hewan, Kimia, Kimia & Apoteker, Kimia Industri, Manajemen, Manajemen Industri, Peternakan, Teknik dan Manajemen Industri, Teknik Industri, Teknik Kimia

Staf Divisi Hewan Laboratorium [K-SC03]
IPK min: 2.75
Gender: Laki-laki
Usia Max/Status: 30 Th/(Belum/Sudah Menikah)
Pengalaman: Bekerja di bidang peternakan/pemeliharaan hewan/pengelolaan telur ayam
Kemampuan Teknis: Peternakan pemeliharaan hewan/pengelolaan telur ayam
Kemampuan Lain: Bisa Berbahasa Inggris & Jepang
Catatan: Breeding Farm Supervisor/Hatchery Supervisor/Chicken Breeding
Pendidikan: S1/D3 Ilmu Peternakan, Kedokteran Hewan, Peternakan

Staf Divisi Hewan Laboratorium [K-SC04]
IPK min: 2.75
Gender: Laki-laki
Usia Max/Status: 35 Th/(Belum/Sudah Menikah)
Pengalaman: Bekerja dibidang peternakan/pemeliharaan hewan
Kemampuan Managerial: Peternakan/Pemeliharaan
Kemampuan Teknis: Veterinary medis/peternakan ayam/pemeliharaan hewan
Kemampuan lain: Bisa berbahasa Inggris & Jepang
Catatan: K.Bag/Vetenary Assistant/Chicken Breeding
Pendidikan: S1/S2 Kedokteran Hewan

Staf Muda Divisi Hewan Laboratorium [K-SC05]
IPK min: 2.75
Gender: Laki-laki
Usia Max/Status: 28 Th/(Belum Menikah)
Pengalaman: Pernah bekerja di peternakan ayam (tidak mutlak)
Kemampuan Managerial: Peternakan ayam
Kemampuan Teknis: Kemampuan/pengetahuan tentang peternakan ayam
Kemampuan Lain: Bisa Berbahasa Inggris & Jepang
Catatan: Farm Recorder/QC Checker/Chicken Breeding
Pendidikan: D3/S1 Ilmu Peternakan, Peternakan, Sains Veteriner

Staf Divisi Hewan Laboratorium [K-SC06]
IPK min: 2.75
Gender: Laki-laki
Usia Max/Status: 30 Th/(Belum/Sudah Menikah)
Pengalaman: Bekerja aseptis didlm laboratorium/diarea produksi obat/makanan, mengenal alat2 penunjang proses produksi
Kemampuan Managerial: Administrasi produksi&evaluasi kerja, berkomukasi & bekerjasama dengan rekan kerja atasan dan pihak lain, menciptakan suasana kerja yang harmonis, pengambilan keputusan yang bersifat kritis bilamana diperlukan, memberi masukan kepada atasan dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan, membuat rencana kerja (tahunan,bulanan) sesuai dgn yang ditargetkan oleh perusahaan, melaksanakan program efisiensi sumber daya dan keuangan diunit kerja, mengimplementasikan pelaksanaan K3, mengimplementasikan pengendalian limbah dan kebersihan lingkungan, perencanaan & pelaksanaan pemeliharaan alat/mesin produksi
Kemampuan Teknis: Bekerja sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip CPOB (cGMP), bekerja secara aseptis, bekerja memenuhi aspek K3 & lingkungan, memiliki kemampuan kerja laboratorium, pengoprasian komputer, ketampilan kerja diruang steril.
Kemampuan Lain: Berbahasa Inggris aktif, kepemimpinan (leadership)
Pendidikan: S1/S2 Analis Kimia, Biokimia, Biologi, Biologi & Apoteker, Bioteknologi, Farmasi, Farmasi & Apoteker, Ilmu Peternakan, Kedokteran, Kedokteran Hewan, Kimia, Kimia & Apoteker, Kimia Industri, Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, Peternakan, Teknik dan Manajemen Industri, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Industri, Teknik Kimia

Staf Muda Divisi Produksi Vaksin Virus [K-SC07]
IPK min: 2.75
Gender: Laki-laki
Usia Max/Status: 27 Th/(Belum Menikah)
Pengalaman: Bekerja aseptis didalam laboratorium/diarea produksi obat/makanan, mengenal alat2 penunjang proses produksi
Kemampuan Managerial: Mampu melaksanakan proses administrasi & mengevaluasi hasil kerja, mampu berkomunikasi & bekerjasama dengan sesama rekan kerja & atasan, dapat menciptakan suasana kerja yg harmonis, pengetahuan tentang CPOB, GMP, Teknik aseptis
Kemampuan Teknis: Mampu mengoperasikan komputer untuk menyelesaikan administrasi yg berhubungan dgn tanggungjawabnya, keterampilan kerja diruang steril, keterampilan kerja sesuai CPOB, mampu bekerjasama dlm sebuah team
Kemampuan lain: Mampu berbahasa Inggris (pasif)
Catatan: P.B.Aviant Influenza/P.V.Aviant Influenza/P.V.V
Pendidikan: D3/S1 Analis Kesehatan, Analis Kimia, Biokimia, Biologi, Biologi & Apoteker, Bioteknologi, Farmasi, Farmasi & Apoteker, Kedokteran, Kedokteran Hewan, Kimia, Kimia & Apoteker, Kimia Industri, Teknik Kimia

Staf Muda Divisi Produksi Vaksin Virus [K-SC08]
IPK min: 2.75
Gender: Laki-laki
Usia Max/Status: 27 Th/(Belum/Sudah Menikah)
Pengalaman: Bekerja aseptis didalam laboratorium/diarea produksi obat/makanan, mengenal alat2 penunjang proses produksi
Kemampuan Managerial: Mampu melaksanakan proses administrasi & mengevaluasi hasil kerja, mampu berkomunikasi & bekerjasama dengan sesama rekan kerja & atasan, dapat menciptakan suasana kerja yg harmonis, pengetahuan tentang CPOB, GMP, Teknik aseptis
Kemampuan Teknis: Pemeliharaan alat/mesin penunjang produksi, mampu mengoperasikan komputer untuk menyelesaikan administrasi yg berhubungan dgn tanggungjawabnya, keterampilan kerja diruang steril, keterampilan kerja sesuai CPOB, mampu bekerjasama dlm sebuah team | Kemampuan lain: Mampu berbahasa inggris (pasif), pemeliharaan alat/mesin penunjang produksi
Catatan: P.P.Akhir Avian Influenza/P.V. Avian Influenza/P.V.V
Pendidikan: D3/S1 Analis Kesehatan, Analis Kimia, Biokimia, Biologi, Biologi & Apoteker, Bioteknologi, Farmasi, Farmasi & Apoteker, Kimia, Kimia & Apoteker, Kimia Industri, Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Mesin

Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi diatas silahkan mengirimkan lamaran secara online melalui link dibawah ini. Lamaran diterima sebelum tanggal 19 November 2009.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Opportunity Career at PT Semen Andalas Indonesia

PT Semen Andalas Indonesia a subsidiary of world leader in cement manufacturing and building material having its operation in Aceh, North Sumatra, Riau and Batam invites you to join our team as:
Tax & Treasury Assistant Manager (Code: TAM)

Reports to Tax & Treasury Manager, the candidate is responsible to:
Minimize of tax liability through good tax planning and management by identifying company specific tax issues and planning to ensure appropriate savings in tax.
Tax report must be submitted timely and of good quality.
Review and submit all statutory tax obligations, annual tax returns and tax computations within the required time limits and ensure that all tax queries and issues are dealt within a timely manner.
Promptly clear outstanding tax backlog and update tax record and solving disputes on all tax and duties (withholding tax, VAT, corporate tax, real property gains tax, stamps duties, customs duties, etc.) with various authorities.
Aim for zero tax penalty , analyze and report fund movement.
Monitor foreign exchange and negotiate with bank to get highest rate from time deposit.
Review bank reconciliation and examine payment process and accurateness of payment.
Confirm that payment authorization process procedure adherence to company’s rules.
Cooperate internally (Purchasing and Marketing) and externally (supplier and distributor) regarding payment process.

General Requirements
Must possess at least Bachelor degree from recognized university majoring in Accounting/Finance/Tax/Fiscal.
Having minimum 2 years experience as tax consultant in tax consultant company or 4 years experience as tax supervisor in MNC.
Hold a Certified National Tax Consultant issued by IKPI (Brevet A & B) is preferred.
Must be hands on in solving problem and avoid short cut and short-term solutions.
Must be strong in detail and number crunching.
Possess good knowledge of Cost Accounting, Management Accounting and Tax.
Knowledge/experience with Accounting/Financial software (SAP, JDE, PICKS).
English proficiency, computer literacy and can operate Microsoft Office (especially Excel, Word and Power Point).
Closing date: November 16th, 2009

High Integrity and Values, Initiatives, Customer Focus, Teamwork & Cooperation, and Driving for Results
Leading People, Leading Change, Vision & Purpose, Organizational Awareness, Development Others
Conceptual Thinking, and Analytical Thinking, Information Seeking , Impact and Influence
Sales Representative Meulaboh (Code : SR-MLB)

Reports to Head of Sales, the candidate is responsible to:
Recognize market condition by monitoring cement and other material products price, and conducting market survey at respective area (Meulaboh arounds)
Build and develop relationship with existing customers and prospected customers to do sales deal and customer service.
Analyze market and propose recommendation
Plan and organize promotion activities
Update customer database, price and market data for analyzing purpose.
Input sales order, do invoicing, monitor process and release order if needed.

General Requirements
Must possess at least Bachelor degree (S-1) from recognized university majoring in Civil Engineering/Economic/Marketing.
Minimum GPA 3.00, with maximum age 30 years old before 1 December 2009
Minimum 2 years experience in sales/marketing or construction function. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
Macro economic and marketing principles knowledgeable.
Good personalities, energetic and able to work under pressure, aggressive, initiative and customer oriented.
Having an excellent communication and interpersonal skill.
English proficiency (minimum passive). Able to speak in local language is also advantage.
Computer literacy/able to operate Microsoft Office (especially Excel, Word and Power Point).
Meulaboh residence and familiar with West Aceh district condition, and have a driving license (SIM A) is advantage.
Closing date: November 26, 2009

High Integrity and Values, Initiatives, Customer Focus, Teamwork & Cooperation, and Driving for Results
Relationship Building, Flexibility, Information Seeking, Interpersonal Understanding, and Impact & Influence
Sales Representative Lhokseumawe (Code: SR-LSW)

Reports to Head of Sales, the candidate is responsible to:
Recognize market condition by monitoring cement and other material products price, and conducting market survey at respective area (Lhokseumawe arounds)
Build and develop relationship with existing customers and prospected customers to do sales deal and customer service.
Analyze market and propose recommendation
Plan and organize promotion activities
Update customer database, price and market data for analyzing purpose.
Input sales order, do invoicing, monitor process and release order if needed.

General Requirements
Must possess at least Bachelor degree (S-1) from recognized university majoring in Civil Engineering/Economic/Marketing.
Minimum GPA 3.00, with maximum age 30 years old before 1 December 2009
Minimum 2 years experience in sales/marketing or construction function. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
Macro economic and marketing principles knowledgeable.
Good personalities, energetic and able to work under pressure, aggressive, initiative and customer oriented.
Having an excellent communication and interpersonal skill.
English proficiency (minimum passive). Able to speak in local language is also advantage.
Computer literacy/able to operate Microsoft Office (especially Excel, Word and Power Point).
Lhokseumawe residence and familiar with North Aceh district condition and have a driving license (SIM A) is advantage.
Closing date: November 26, 2009

High Integrity and Values, Initiatives, Customer Focus, Teamwork & Cooperation, and Driving for Results
Relationship Building, Flexibility, Information Seeking, Interpersonal Understanding, and Impact & Influence

Qualified candidates are invited to forward your application with full resume, recent photograph to:
PT Semen Andalas Indonesia
Please put the job code and area in the subject of your application.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Opportunity Career at PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom

PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom is the holding company of, Indonesia's leading online media & internet services. We would like to invite you, professionals of the highest standards to fulfill our business goal and objectives, for the following position.
[PUB] Community Development Officer

Execute and/or provide the delivery skills for marketing and communications programs.
Contribute to the development of the overall program design.
Preparation and logistics of all detikcom community events (,, etc), for successful presentation of the theme and/or realization of the intended goal of the event e.g. blog event, open house presentations, exhibitions, festival, community gathering etc., in coordination with related department.

Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Marketing, Journalism, Mass Communications or equivalent.
At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Age max. 26 years
Creative and proactive under less supervision
Good team work and as well as an individual
Excellent interpersonal/communication skill
Experience in organizing events would be an advantage
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [PUB] Community Development
[IT&D] IT Mobile Development

Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Age max. 26 years
Familiar with web traffic analysis tool and search engine optimization
Preferably have experience in mobile development
Ability to grasp new concepts and technology quickly
Good time management and organizational abilities.
Smart and fast learner, creative and proactive under less supervision
Able to explore and study technologies related assignments
Good team work and as well as an individual
Excellent interpersonal/communication skill
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] IT Mobile Development
[IT&D]IT Web Development

Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Age max. 26 years
Familiar with web traffic analysis tool and search engine optimization
Preferably have experience in web development
Ability to grasp new concepts and technology quickly
Good time management and organizational abilities.
Smart and fast learner, creative and proactive under less supervision
Able to explore and study technologies related assignments
Good team work and as well as an individual
Excellent interpersonal/communication skill
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] IT Web Development
[IT&D] IT Support

Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Male not more than 23 years old
Experience on computer technical support, networking, internet Windows and Linux base troubleshoot
Understanding basic networking or TCP/IP base
Know well hardware and Maintenance
Determent, Hardworking and willing to learn.
Self-motivated yet a team player.
Good communication and interpersonal skill
Please describe your skill & knowledge on CV with .pdf format & send to it[at]detik[dot]com
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] IT Support
[IT&D] Web Programmer

Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Male not more than 23 years old
Having a basic technical knowledge of Web Programming & Familiar with Linux Operation
Having knowledge W3C standard & website technology update
Strong Object Oriented Programming with PHP & Java Script
Having a basic technical knowledge of CSS, HTML, XHTML & XML
Having knowledge JavaScript, AJAX, Action Script and Ruby will be an advantage
Experienced in application & software development
Excellent knowledge of MySQL or PostgreSQL databases
Passionate of Hot Technologies.
Having good attitude, responsible, can work multiple project and excellent team-player
Good time management, a self-starter, and strong interpersonal communication skills.
Please describe your skill & knowledge on CV with .pdf format & send to it[at]detik[dot]com
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] Web Programmer
[IT&D] Research Engineer

Architect and build application prototypes.
Play a critical and big role in research group to work at next level projects.
Be able to look projects entirely from design stage to the finished products.
Research new technologies and concepts to implement in Detikcom products.

Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
Advanced C++/Java programming experience/knowledge.
Good understanding of Unix-like systems.
Strong in analytic and algorithmic problem solving.
Good attitude, responsible, and a team player.
Please describe your skill & knowledge on CV with .pdf format & send to it[at]detik[dot]com.
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] Research Engineer.
Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in any field.
At least 1 year of working experience in advertising/online media is a plus.
Understand online marketing is a must & Wide client net workings in Advertising industry.
Age not more than 27 years old
Has pleasant personality and attractive.
Familiar and has knowledge in Internet Application.
Willing to work with target & having experiences in Sales Marketing.
Achieve weekly, monthly and quarterly targets.
Fluent in English, both written & oral.
Excellence Presentation Skill.
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [COMM] Online Account Executive.
[IT&D] Ruby Programmer

Possess at least an associated degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
Strong Object Oriented Programming with Ruby.
Familiar with Ruby on Rails.
Familiar with *NIX/LINUX, SVN, and RDBMS.
Passionate of hot technologies.
Having good attitude, responsible, and can work as a team player.
Strong objective oriented with Smalltalk, C++, Python, Java and PHP.
Strong Javascript (Fundamental Javascript and AJAX)
Familiar with LISP
Familiar with Agile Culture and Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)
Please describe your skill & knowledge on CV with .pdf format & send to it[at]detik[dot]com
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] Ruby Programmer.
[IT&D] Java Programmer

Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
Fresh graduate, not more than 25 years old
Familiar with HTML, PHP & Java programming
Having knowledge in IT, mobile services
Please describe your skill & knowledge on CV with .pdf format & send to it[at]detik[dot]com
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] Java Programmer.
[RED] Journalist

Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field.
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Single, not more than 24 years old and attractive appearance.
Able to communicate and write in English & energetic, dynamic, creative & like challenges Have great interest in journalism especially news & politics
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [RED] Journalist

If you are ready for the challenge, please submit your application letter with full details of resume and recent photograph not later than November, 30th 2009 to:
PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom

Lowongan Kerja Mitsubishi Motors

PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors as an authorized distributor for Mitsubishi Motors Corporation and Mitsubishi FUSO Truck and Bus Corporation is now looking for high qualified candidates to fill up these available positions
Import & Export (IE)
24-26 years old
Diploma 3 in Economy Management
Basic knowledge in Export and Import
Planning & Promotion (PP)
21 - 24 years old
Diploma 3 in Mechanical/Industrial Engineering
Able to operate graphical design software such as Corel Draw/Photoshop/Freehand/Illustrator
Field Marketing (FM)
20 - 23 years old
Diploma 3 in Economy Management
Domestic (DS)
24 - 26 years old
Diploma 3 in Automotive Mechanical/Industrial Engineering
Logistic & Supply Planning (LSP)
22 - 24 years old
Bachelor in Automotive Mechanical/Industrial Engineering
Engineering Service (ES)
22 - 25 years old
Bachelor in Automotive Mechanical/Industrial Engineering
Able to operate AutoCAD and Corel Draw
Plant & Assembly Engineering (PAE)
22 - 25 years old
Bachelor in Automotive Mechanical/Industrial Engineering
Able to read drawing 2D & 3D simulation
Have 4WD driving license (SIM A)
Experienced max 1 year
Purchase Planning & Buyer (PPB)
25 - 28 years old
Bachelor in Automotive Mechanical/Industrial Engineering
Field Service (FS)
22 - 24 years old
Diploma 3 in Automotive Mechanical/Electronic Engineering
Knowledge in automobile maintenance, service and repair
Planning (PDS)
22 - 25 years old
Diploma 3 in Computer Programming/Informatics Management
Master in Visual Basic
General Requirement
GPA min. 2.75
Good command in English
Fresh graduate
Computer literate, MS. Office, Internet

Please send or email complete application (with vacancy code on the envelope and email subject) in English, with CV, academicals transcript & most recent photograph before November 21, 2009 to:
Recruitment & Employment Department
PT. Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors
Jln. Jenderal A. Yani Proyek Pulomas - Jakarta 13210

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Opprotunity Career at PT WASKITA KARYA

Waskita Karya is one of a leading State Owned Enterprises in construction industry with wide range activities: highways, bridges, ports, airports, buildings, sewerage plants, cements plants, factories and other industrial facilities. We at Waskita strongly believed that our people are our greatest assets. We are equal opportunity employer committed to recruit, develop and retain the best talents to fulfill our growth ambition. Currently we have opportunities in the following areas:
Management Trainee Civil Engineering, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Geodesy Engineering (Code: MTT)

Fresh Graduate with maximum 25 years old.
Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Civil Engineering, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Geodesy Engineering from Reputable University with minimum GPA 2.75 on 4.00 grade scale.
Willing to be based anywhere in Indonesia.
A highly driven and motivated self starter with a strong commitment in achieving career, personal and organizational goal.
Management Trainee Legal (Code: MTL)

Fresh Graduate with maximum 25 years old
Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Law from Reputable University with minimum GPA 3.00 on 4.00 grade scale.
Willing to be based anywhere in Indonesia
A highly driven and motivated self starter with a strong commitment in achieving career, personal and organizational goal
Management Trainee Finance/Accounting & Human Resaurces Management (Code: WTFHRM)

Fresh Graduate with maximum 25 years old
Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Finance/Accounting & Human ResaurcesManagement (HRM) from Reputable University with minimum GPA of 3.00 on 4.00 grade scale
Willing to be based anywhere in Indonesia
A highly driven and motivated self starter with astrong commitment in achieving career, personal and organizational goal
Civil Engineering,Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Geodesy Engineering (Code: TS)

Fresh Graduate with maximum 25 years old
Diploma Degree (D3) majoring Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Geodesy Engineering from Reputable University with minimum GPA 2,75 on 4.00 grade scale
Willing to be based anywhere in Indonesia
A highly driven and motivated self starter with astrong commitment in achieving career, personal and organizational goal
Finance/Accounting & Taxation (Code: FS)

Fresh Graduate with maximum 25 years old
Diploma Degree (D3) majoring in Finance/Accounting & Taxation from Reputable
University with minimum GPA 3.00 on 4.00grade scale
Willing to be based anywhere in Indonesia
A highly driven and motivated self starter with astrong commitment in achieving career, personal and organizational goal
Management Trainee Public Health (MTHSE)

Fresh Graduate with maximum 25 years old.
Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Law Public Health from Reputable University with minimum GPA 3.00 on 4.00 grade scale.
Willing to be based anywhere in Indonesia.
A highly driven and motivated self starter with a strong commitment in achieving career, personal and organizational goal.

Those waiting for graduation on March 2010 are also welcome to apply. Sent your Application Letter, CV, ID Card, Recent Photograph (4x6), copy D3 Certificate and Copy af Academic Transcript to:
HRD Departement
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero)
Jl. MT Haryono Kav 10 Cawang Jakarta 13340 or
Email to :
Write the psition code and disipline code in the left corner of the envelope. Closing date: November 13th 2009

Opportunity Career at PT Thiess

PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia is a multinational company with over 7,000 employees in Indonesia. Our people are our keys to success. As an employer of choice, we are committed to developing skills and providing opportunities for all employees. Our business provides integrated mining and construction services in civil, process facilities, oil & gas and mining across Indonesia.
Graduate Electrical Engineer

Willing to work in remote locations
Excellent communication skill in English (oral and written)
Bachelor degree from Electrical Engineering / Power System with minimum GPA 3.00 (Year of Graduation 2008 - 2009)
Strong analytical and problem solving skills
Able to work under pressure in a culturally diverse organisation
Excellent interpersonal skill and able to influence situations to achieve goals
Able to work collaboratively with others and use initiative in various situations
Closing date: 14 Nov 2009
Graduate Mine Engineer

Willing to work in remote locations
Excellent communication skill in English (oral and written)
Bachelor degree from Mining Engineering with minimum GPA 3.00 (Year of Graduation 2008 - 2009)
Strong analytical and problem solving skills
Able to work under pressure in a culturally diverse organisation
Excellent interpersonal skill and able to influence situations to achieve goals
Able to work collaboratively with others and use initiative in various situations
Closing date: 14 Nov 2009
Graduate Plant Accountant

This position will undertaking the full range of accounting administration tasks ranging from invoice processing and file maintenance to providing assistance with monthly reporting, account reconciliation, system and record maintenance, operational and financial analysis.

Willing to work in remote locations
Excellent communication skill in English (oral and written)
Bachelor degree from Finance/Accounting with minimum GPA 3.00 (Year of Graduation 2008 - 2009)
Strong analytical and problem solving skills
Able to work under pressure in a culturally diverse organisation
Excellent interpersonal skill and able to influence situations to achieve goals
Able to work collaboratively with others and use initiative in various situations
Closing date: 14 Nov 2009
Graduate Mechanical Engineer

Minimum Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering with minimum GPA 3.00 from reputable University,
Willing to work on remote locations,
Excellent communication skills in English (oral and written),
Highly motivated, strong analytical skill and problem solving capabilities, good team work and adaptable,
Excellent interpersonal skills and able to influence situation to achieve goals,
Able to work under pressure in an International and culturally diverse organization.
Closing date: 14 Nov 2009
Graduate Surveyor

Reporting to the Survey Manager or Project Surveyor, you will be acting as Surveyor to helping survey activities providing appropriate survey services to mining supervisors, mine planners and Survey data process to maximise productivities in the most effective manner and to achieve production targets while ensuring that a safe professional environment is maintained.

Requirements for this position minimum a Degree in Geodetic Engineering with minimum GPA 3.00 from reputable University; good understanding on mine survey and mining operation role concept; Basic Prolink, Terramodel or similar packages software; best practice in field survey technical; math basic and quick calculated operation; good command of the English language.
Closing date: 14 Nov 2009
Graduate Safety

Reporting to the HSE Coordinator, you will responsible to ensure procedures are documented and incorporate the requirements of HSE standard; to ensure and coordinate that Safety Management Plan is maintained and review on regular basis for any changing of aspects and impacts meet requirements; coordinate workplace safety toolbox talks; assist in incident investigation and action plan; manage contractor/supplier inspection; conduct internal audit and follow up actions plans; monitor work area to maintain a high standard of house keeping, hazard control and procedure implementation; ensure complaint, incident investigation and reporting requirements are met so that problems are recognized and resolved; participate in HSE committee meeting; safety admin, collect all data and reports and input in Tsafe.

Willing to work in remote locations
Excellent communication skill in English (oral and written)
Bachelor degree from Occupational Safety and Health (K3) with minimum GPA 3.00 (Year of Graduation 2008 - 2009)
Strong analytical and problem solving skills
Able to work under pressure in a culturally diverse organisation
Excellent interpersonal skill and able to influence situations to achieve goals
Able to work collaboratively with others and use initiative in various situations
Closing date: 14 Nov 2009
Paramedic - East Kalimantan

Reporting to the HSE Coordinator your will you will develop and implement Occupational Health Program at Site; provide medical info for safety talk & notice board; monitor and follow up Injury Management, Rehabilitation and Employees Assistance; hygiene inspection and food sanitation at catering provider then report to management; provide medical evacuation drill, involving First Aid, Emergency Rescue Team.

To be successful in this role you will need to have minimum Diploma in Nursery with minimum 3 years experience in same role; evaluate the extent of injury or sickness and provide treatment within the parameters available to first aider in mining or construction area; training in fire and rescue, BLS, ATLS and Hyperkes Training preferable; others requirement for this position, you should be able to communicate well in English both speak and written, and hold driving licence of Light Vehicle (Kimper).
Closing date: 13 Nov 2009

Environmental Officer/Assistant East Kalimantan

Reporting to the HSE Coordinator, you will provide support to monitor and inspect the implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) consistently to meet ISO14001:2004 requirements; maintain ISO14001 requirements and its performance for the project during the audit; communicate, maintain the implementation of environmental management procedures and support their implementation so as to achieve the environmental objectives & targets set for the Project; deliver Environmental Performance; actively contribute to a positive teamwork environment at all times; and communicate openly and honestly at all times.

To be successful in this role you will need to have minimum a Diploma in Environmental or Civil Engineering or Agricultural or Biology or Forestry or Chemical Engineering; minimum of 3 years working experience on Environmental Management Plan, System implementation, managing environmental issues and environmental audit; experience as ISO14001:2004, has attended training on water management, waste management, internal environmental laboratory and government reporting.
Closing date: 13 Nov 2009
Plant Supervisor - South Kalimantan

Reporting to Mechanic Senior Supervisor, you will responsible to plan and coordinate the maintenance, repair and service for mechanical of equipment according to TMS Plant Department policies and procedures to ensure availability targets and budgets are achieved; lead, organise and provide direction for employees to ensure outstanding performance is achieved in people performance, HSE&Q outcomes and the business results.

Requirements for this position minimum Senior High School or Mechanical or Electrical trade certificate is preferred; minimum of 4 years field experience in large mining or construction industry in Mechanical Supervisory Level; familiar with OEM products in Heavy Equipments: Excavators, Dump Trucks, Dozers, Motor Graders, IR Drill machine; knowledge of Health & Safety regulations, Compliance requirements, Cost containment, Computer literate and good English communication skills both written and verbal. Should be diligent, proactive, having good planning, and supervisory skill.
Closing date: 12 Nov 2009
SOS Analyst - South Kalimantan

This position reporting to Planning Supervisor. This role will be responsible and accountable for all administration / processing duties for scheduled oil sampling and distributing alert notification to the appropriate component planner the same day they are received.

Requirements for this position are minimum Diploma Degree on Mechanical Engineering Qualification or Industry Trade Qualification, and having more than 2 year experiences in similar position in Mining Industry. Others requirement for this position, applicant should have a mobile equipment technical knowledge, experience as oil analyst and good interpretation of oil element, good in reporting, information monitoring on planning/organizing. Be able to communicate should in English both verbal and written, advance computer skills in word and excel, honest, diligent, hard worker, safety and environmental oriented.
Closing date: 13 Nov 2009
Plant Reliability Engineer - East Kalimantan

Reporting to the Plant Reliability Superintendent, you will responsible to standardise the Pareto reporting requirement at all plant project sites, so they fall in line with the plant corporate KPI’s and structure; assist the site based info mine and OCDC (Open Cut Data Capture) staff in training and development needs; assist with ensuring TCI plant record and analyse the downtime events the same across all sites; develop and maintain 12, 3 and 1 month rolling Pareto reports; identify CI project for implementation at site level; record and measure improvement; liaise with the plant system group to ensure that all procedures and forms are inline the CI project.

Requirements for this position minimum degree in Mechanical or Industrial Engineering with minimum 4 years in an extensive mining field experiences; good analytical thinking; have technical skills in team leading & auditing, reliability and plant system skill, Pareto analysis & reporting, Maintenance Systems skill; willing to travel and a good command of the English language; computer skill in excel and Ms. Access preferable.
Closing date: 12 Nov 2009
Mining Supervisor - East Kalimantan

Reporting to Senior Mining Supervisor, you will coordinate all Leading Hand and all Crew in the workplace of OB stripping, coal mining and reclamation activity to achieve production target with the safety condition and safe environment.

Applicants should have a minimum Senior High School or higher is preferred; “Pratama” Certification - Mine and Energy Department - is preferred; with previous experience in similar role at least 4 years. Have ability to manage employees/Good leadership in a good manner and make good decision as operation change throughout a shift; people management skills preferably with training in staff supervision; able to provide reporting/operate computer and good communication skills at all levels.
Closing date: 7 Nov 2009
Senior Mine Planning Engineer - East Kalimantan

Reporting to Mine Planning Superintendent you will provide mine planning services and technical support for tender preparation and existing operations; supervise engineering subordinates in MEG.

Requirements for this position preferably engineering degree in mining engineering or geology with minimum 5 years experience in large open cut mining and mine engineering; preferable possess POP (Pengawas Operational Pertama) Certification from Mine and Energy Department; outstanding proficiency in geological modeling and mine planning (Mincom, Xpac, Talpac) and other general office software (Microsoft); excellent interpersonal and communication skills for both oral and written in English; good understanding in mining principles, mine design concepts and mining methods; an awareness of mine operation regulatory requirements.
Closing date: 6 Nov 2009
Component Planner - South Kalimantan

Reporting to Component Planner Supervisor, this role will responsible and accountable for condition monitoring all allocated components identified in the JDE PM Backlog; and, presenting detailed PRF for components that need to be carried out to the nominated Planning Supervisor/Superintendent for approval; ensure that all condition monitoring information in JDE is current and correct.

Requirements for this position are minimum Degree from Mechanical/Electrical Engineer with 3 years experience in similar role in the Mining Industry as Planner. Familiar with Heavy equipments: Dozer (Caterpillar/Komatsu), Excavator (Hitachi/Komatsu/Liebherr), Ingersoll Rand Drills, Dump Truck (Caterpillar/Komatsu). Have working knowledge of mining equipment components and experience in safe work practices. Beside that, have skills in methods, principles and technique used in costing.
Closing date: 2 Dec 2009

Maintenance Planner - South Kalimantan

Reporting to Planning Supervisor, you will responsible and accountable for all non component backlog management for unit in the assigned area; preparing all work package in the assigned area; administer all non component unit requirements in line with TCI work order flow chart; ensure all work packages are completed and prepared as per daily/weekly plan.

Requirements for this position are preferred Trade or Mechanical Engineering qualification with minimum 2 years experience in similar role in the Mining Industry as Planner; familiar with Heavy equipments: Dozer (Caterpillar/Komatsu), Excavator (Hitachi/Komatsu/Liebherr), Ingersoll Rand Drills, Dump Truck (Caterpillar/Komatsu); have working knowledge of mining equipment components, good in reporting, information monitoring & planning/organizing; familiar with JDE Plant Maintenance module literacy; and good communication skills in English both verbal and writing.
Closing date: 2 Dec 2009
Cost Control Specialist - East Kalimantan

Reporting to the Senior Supervisor Cost Control you will responsible to assist in analysing and controlling the site in JDE inventory; liaise with all sites warehousing inventory / staff with all aspects of the system in order to maintenance the integrity of the inventory system; assist in relation the cost control and budget set-ups and data maintenance; prepare daily, weekly, monthly report in related to cost or budget; assist in monitoring of cost and budget allocation; assist in the implementation of the cost and budget allocation are done in a timely manner; centralize and control of warehouse cost of all site warehouse.

Requirements for this position, bachelor degree with minimum 3 years experiences in cost analyst, warehousing, inventory and cataloguing or in similar role; computer literacy; excellent English communication skills in both written and verbal; knowledge of administration functions; good analytical and thinking systematically.
Closing date: 24 Nov 2009
Geological Technician - South Kalimantan

This position reporting to Senior Geologist. This role will be responsible to provide mine planning services and technical support so as maximize productivities in the most cost efficient manner; conduct mapping and sampling qualities, quantities etc of coal seams, check in interrogate models supplied by client; monitor coal digging operation and provide guidance to all geological and quality information; communicate with others regarding unexpected occurrences of faults, partings, pinch and similar geological structure; provide daily plans of all ROM coal stockpiles detailing location quantities, qualities etc and coal seam type to be mined to achieve desired blending quality to meet barging requirement.

Requirements for this position are Bachelor Degree in Mining or Geology Engineering, Pratama certification - Mine and Energy Department - is preferred and having minimum 1 year professional experiences in large open cut mining and mine engineering. Mining heavy industry experience is essential; applicant should have demonstrate proficiency with suit of mine planning (Mincom) and other general office software (Microsoft). Mining Principles, Mine design concepts & operations.
Closing date: 16 Nov 2009
Training Coordinator - East Kalimantan

This role will be responsible to Coordinate the training activities in Sangatta Site such as KIMPER issuing, Equipment assessment, Induction and all General Training activities on site.

Requirements for this position are minimal Diploma Degree with minimum 3 years experiences in similar role in mining industry is preferred. Others requirement for this position, applicant should be able to communicate well, have driving skills, presentation skill, and administration skills.
Closing date: 15 Nov 2009
Safety Officer - East Kalimantan

Responsibilities for this position will primarily implement and maintain accurate safety system compliance with TCI standards at all times; monitor action plan; manage safety administration function; and, provide proactive and quality administration support.

Applicants should have a Diploma degree with minimum of 3 years experience in similar position is preferred. Understand TCI obligations and standards, familiar with Safety Management at all levels and focus on risk management.
Closing date: 15 Nov 2009
Mine Planning Engineer - East Kalimantan

Responsibilities for this position are to check and review quality of mine design and mine schedule to ensure safe production target are achieved; Improve and maintain high quality of mine design; and, managing people and works to ensure mine planning and scheduling are produced on time.

This position requires Mining/Geological Engineering degree, with minimum 2 ( two) years experiences on mining engineering practices. Have experiences in mining operation practice is more preferable. Preferred character traits include hard worker, self-motivated, team player, work collaboratively, and self-managed. A working knowledge in Minescape and Xpac computer software would be an advantage.
Closing date: 15 Nov 2009

If you want to take your career to a new level and be involved in exciting workplace change and issues, please apply online through the following link. Only suitable and qualified candidates who apply on-line will be contacted for further process

Opportunity Career on PT Kaltim Prima Coal

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) operates a coal mine in Sengata, East Kalimantan, and is one of the largest export coal mines in the world. Coal production in 2009 will be around 43 million tonnes with significant further expansion planned in the years to come. Opportunities exist for new graduates (year of graduation: 2007-2009) to join KPC for the following positions:
Graduate Mechanical Engineering (code: ME)
Graduate Information Technology (code: IT)

Hold an S1 degree in the disciplines indicated above.
Be not older than 25 years of age in the year of admittance.
Possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 grade scale.
Pass psychological test.
Pass technical test.
Be proficient in English (minimum at Intermediate level).
Pass medical test.

Those waiting for graduation in January 2010 are welcome to apply. Submit your resume, copy of S1 certificate and copy of academic transcript to before November 7, 2009 12.00 WIB. Write GDP-KPC (ME/IT) and discipline code on form registrationPT Kaltim

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lowongan Kerja PT. PLN Pulau Batam

PT. PLN Batam membutuhkan kandidat-kandidat yang dinamis & potensial untuk berkarya dan berkembang bersama di WiIayah Kerja Batam.
Kualifikasi Pendidikan
D3 Teknik Elektro/Arus Kuat
S1 Teknik Industri
Non Teknik
D3 Manajemen Informatika
D3 Akuntansi/Keuangan
S1 Keuangan/Manajemen/Akuntansi
S1 Psikologi
Persyaratan Umum
Memiliki Ijazah dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta yang terakreditasi sesuai dengan jurusan yang dilamar
Usia pada tahun ini; S1 Maksimal 27 Tahun, D3 Maksimal 25 Tahun
Memiliki Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK): Untuk Bidang Teknik: 2,75, untuk Bidang Non Teknik: 3,00
Berbadan Sehat
Tidak Buta Wama (Khusus jurusan Teknik)
Persyaratan Administrasi
Surat Lamaran & Daftar Riwayat Hidup (Diketik/Ditulis tangan dengan pena hitam)
Fotocopy Ijazah/Sertifikat/Surat Keterangan Lulus dan Transkrip Nilai yang dilegalisir (Cap Basah)
Fotocopy Akte Kelahiran dan KTP yang masih berlaku
Pas Foto berwama terbaru ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 4 (empat) lembar
Surat pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6000, bahwa tidak pernah tenrlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya
Surat pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6000, bahwa tidak meminta atau menuntut penyesuaian ijazah dikemudian hari jika memiliki ijazah yang lebih tinggi dan Ijazah yang digunakan saat melamar
Alamat pelamar harus lengkap dengan kode pos dan nomer telepon/hp yang aktif untuk pemanggilan tes
Pada sampul kiri atas amplop lamaran agar ditulis JURUSAN YANG DILAMAR. contoh Kode S1 - PSIKOLOGI
Tidak dipungut biaya apapun
Lamaran harus dikirimkan melalui Pos dan tidak melalui media yang lain
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil
Tidak ada korespondensi
Surat lamaran yang dikirim sebelum pengumuman ini harap diperbaharui lagi (melamar lagi)
Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi dan Jadwal Seleksi dapat dilihat di link dibawah pengumuman ini pada tanggal 13 November 2009.
Lamaran diterima paling selambat-lambatnya tanggal 6 November 2009 (Stempel Pos), dikirim ke: Konsultan Rekrutmen PT. Tunaskarya Indoswasta Jl. Angsana Lot 306 Batamindo Industrial Park - Muka Kuning Batam 29433